
It can be wonderful to hold clients in the process of regulating their nervous system, reflecting on their present experience, slowly making a connection with their body, and over time tuning in to the important messages it has to communicate ... but it can also be extremely challenging. Whether or not we are bound by our training or registering body to receive supervision, most of us come across situations where we feel in need of some professional support. We are bound by confidentiality not to talk about our clients to our friends and family, and it can be difficult to shake off energy we may have experienced in sessions and re-ground ourselves on our own. We may feel at a loss with a particular client and need help to find direction. We may simply need to bring the extra containment of another professional to the situation.
I offer mentoring / supervision to yoga and somatic movement therapists working with emotional and psychological experiences, in particular complex trauma: ongoing distress as a result of childhood physical / sexual / emotional abuse, neglect or other painful and unresolved experiences.
Both yoga and somatic movement therapy are broad umbrellas, so if you’re interested in receiving mentoring from me, I suggest you read more about how I work first to find out whether what I do is a match with your own therapeutic practice.
Where: In person, in my own space in London SE18, and online.
Cost: £90 for a one-hour session. (Please note that for international payments, there is an additional 10 per cent charge. This is to cover transfer fees.)
Booking: Please contact me.